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Sunday, 15 March 2009


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John Hayes

Interesting. Will you be reviewing the development of the theory and practice of Social Capital and its relationship to faith communities during your commentary? John

Chris Sissons

Thanks John, you win the prize for first ever comment on this blog.

I hadn't thought of covering Social Capital but it may be possible. Over the next few days I am planning to cover community development and the churches' role in it and so I should be able to cover it to some degree.

For more information Anne Morisy is the best author I know of - her book 'Journeying Out' is worth a read - she also contributed to the follow up to 'Faith in the City' which calls the same thing spiritual capital. I'll try to track them both down and provide details later.

John Hayes

My particular area of interest is the challenge for christians (and other faiths)who engage in projects supported under initiatives that look to develop social cohesion. On the one hand it really is going where the work needs to be done - on the other it can become all consuming activity just to meet outcomes and maintain funding. This can mean that you lose sight of other important activity.

Chris Sissons

I'm planning to consider some of this over the next few days - keep reading and let me know if I could helpfully expand any post further.

Starting today, my plans are:
1. Immortality (this is relevant!)
2. Volunteering and self-help
3. Development workers and activists
4. Divisive nature of grant aid
6. Community buildings

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