An Orthodox friend told me the following story. Is it true?, our atheist friends will wish to know. Of course it is, I reply.
Two scientists died and went to heaven much to their chagrin as they were confirmed atheists. Not to be outdone by finding heaven existed after all they determined upon a course of action.
They went up to the pearly gates and called Peter over. They demanded to see God with utmost urgency. Peter was doubtful God would come out to see them, as he is very busy. He will they said when he finds out what we have to say.
God took some time out to find out what the scientists had to say. We have, they said, created life in our laboratory. This I have got to see, said God and so they set off to earth to visit their old laboratory.
The scientists busied themselves setting up their equipment. This apparatus said one of the scientists, converts sterile dirt into living organisms. Show me the dirt, said God.
The scientist held out a handful of dirt. God knocked the dirt out of the scientist's hand. Make the dirt!, God said.