Newtonian cosmology has dis-enchanted the universe. Perhaps some of this is positive, where old illusions have fallen away. But where it views the cosmos as without life or consciousness, to be exploited for the good of humanity, the consequences can be negative.
It is at least for the good of some of humanity. If you deny consciousness to rocks, plants and animals; it is a small step to include some people too. So, sex, skin colour and disability (anything really) can become excuses to objectify people and so exploit them.
This culminated where 'Survival of the Fittest' was used during the twentieth century to justify exploitation and persecution of minorities.
It is hard to believe in a loving God in a lifeless universe. This is the ideology underlying both fundamentalism and atheism; it has invaded mainstream Christianity too. I'm not saying it is impossible to believe the universe is dead and still love (humanity is nothing if it isn't inconsistent) but that beyond the immediate circle of family and friends love stands little chance in a lifeless universe.
The task facing the churches is not maintenance of belief in old myths or even developing new ones. It is retelling our stories in ways that allow consciousness and compassion back into the universe.