This is an experimental post. I found this blog a few days ago and thought it would be worth quoting from it and noticed the possibility of reblogging. The post itself is another contribution to the debate about the future relationship between the Anglican and Roman Catholic communions.
Catholic Unity isn’t something humans create by obliterating others. God created it on Good Friday, and it’s inherent in the Unity of Christ. Is Christ divided? When Jesus prayed for Unity, did God say “no?” or did God decide that the effectiveness of the whole enterprise depends on ecclesiastical politics come right? Or did he say yes, create a spiritual unity by the death and resurrection of Jesus, clothe Jesus’ followers in it by baptism, and ask them to make sense of Unity, not as a goal on the distant horizon to be achieved by diplomacy or conquest, but a resource to be realised in an emergent way by faithfulness in a multiplanar reality we call “communion.” The submission required is necessary but mutual, not one-way. The obedience is primarily to God in Scripture, mediated through the whole life of all the, Bishop Alan’s Blog: What kind of Unity? and of Church?, Nov 2009
I recommend you read the whole article.