Let the heavens praise your wonders, O Lord,
your faithfulness in the assembly of the holy ones.
For who in the skies can be compared to the Lord?
Who among the heavenly beings is like the Lord,
a God feared in the council of the holy ones,
great and awesome above all that are around him?
O Lord God of hosts,
who is as mighty as you, O Lord
Your faithfulness surrounds you. (Psalm 89: 5-8)
This picks up from where I left off with the last reading. The love of God is constant compared with human love. To make a genuine effort to love your neighbour, depends upon the constant love of God.
The Psalmist emphasises the faithfulness of God. The implication of these first three readings from one light: one world (see the links below) is that we derive our unity from the oneness of God, because we will let one another down and so we are dependent upon the constancy of God.
This does not necessarily imply our aim is for organisational unity between the churches. It is God who is constant and we need that constancy because we are not constant. Is it possible for humanity to be constant?
The implication is that it is not. The only thing we know is that we are not constant and therefore in need of God. God's faithfulness implies reconciliation much more than it implies unity.