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This is part of a series of posts based on the Churches Together in England publication one light: one world. If you click on the link you will find the biblical texts. This post of the same name covers the purpose of this series.
Ephesians 4: 7, 11 - 16
This builds on the previous passage. The point of disciplined listening and sharing is to attain maturity and the full stature of Christ. Note unity here is not something imposed through church structures but something which grows from genuine sharing of faith (v13).
The experience of unity flows from sharing between Christians of different traditions. In such sharing we learn of the ways we are deceived by our doctrines, tricks and schemes.
And as we overcome out delusions we find the body is joined and knitted together. The body builds itself up in love.
One problem ecumenists have is ecumenical reception. The councils of the churches make an agreement but have difficulty passing it on to local churches. The problem is where a formal agreement is imposed on others not party to it.
It is no surprise formal conversations have had a high degree of success. Of course they have. When Christians get together and share they will find common ground. The problems start when successful leaders impose their findings on others.
The body builds itself in love.