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This is part of a series of posts based on the Churches Together in England publication one light: one world. If you click on the link you will find the biblical texts. This post of the same name covers the purpose of this series.
Luke 22: 24 - 30
This passage and the last both cover ground preachers address regulalrly. The need for humility has been addressed several times in this blog. The power of church hierarchies is an obvious target and so it is difficult to imagine what can be said that hasn't been said many times before.
There is a distinction between saying something and meaning it. This passage invites us to question the use of power in the churches.
"A dispute arose between the churches as to which one of them was to be regarded as the greatest. They could see that kings, politicians and tyrants lord it over people and like to be thought of as benefactors. The hardest thing for them to see was that the greatest must become like the youngest churches, the leaders as ones who serve. They could see Jesus' example as the one who serves, and yet somehow the churches couldn't quite make the connection."
Does this work? Possibly not. In part, the problem is many Christians believe their version is the one true faith and all the others fall short. This is not a problem residing solely with those in authority.
What does humility mean if you are a senior person in a church hierarchy? In what practical ways can a leader serve which shows the way of Jesus Christ? Power accrues power.