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This is part of a series of posts based on the Churches Together in England publication one light: one world. If you click on the link you will find the biblical texts. This post of the same name covers the purpose of this series.
John 15:1 - 16
This is the first passage in the last sequence. These passages cover a variety of images of 'Life in Fellowship'. I will focus on each image and its impact and on relationships between Christians, rather than institutions.
The branch is entirely dependent upon on the vine, or Jesus himself. The branch has no purpose separate from the vine and those branches that do not bear fruit are removed.
The imagery changes from verse 12 and focuses upon friendship. Love defines friendship and the greatest love is to be willing to give up life for friends. Just as Jesus himself gave up his own life for his friends.
This makes the image of vine more meaningful of course. To be a part of the vine, means Jesus' example becomes available to us. Of course, some might feel uncomfortable about the need to lay down our lives for one another. It can mean violent death, I am sure, but it also means a life of service. Our call is to live for others, just as Jesus did.