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This is part of a series of posts based on the Churches Together in England publication one light: one world. If you click on the link you will find the biblical texts. This post of the same name covers the purpose of this series.
Psalm 1: 1 - 3
I can only conclude this was included as a space filler. I can't see what this has to do with ecumenism, let alone the main section heading 'Recognising that we belong together' or the subheading 'Interdependence and partnership'. It does not seem in any way to relate to the other passages under this subheading.
I have another problem with this passage and that is it needs to be read in the context of the New Testament. The law has been superceded by grace and peace in Jesus Christ. Whilst this does not invalidate it, it does mean we have a different focus or should have.
Ultimately the law on its own is divisive. We see this in the way the Pharisees used the law to exalt their own position in Jesus' day. We see it in the way churches have used the law to justify marginalisation of those who break it.
A few nights ago we read the story of Jesus' last week in Matthew. It included this verse (21:32): 'For John came to you in the way of righteousness and you did not believe him, but the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed him ...'
Leaving aside how disconcerting it might be for both tax collectors and prostitutes to be lumped together in this way, we should understand it is they who really meditate on the law! If you know sin, you somehow also know the law. You understand the nature of the hypocrisy Jesus inveighs at in these chapters.
It is those who inhabit the margins who know the law, value the law and desire to follow the law. Do they prosper? At this question the Pharisee rushes to the head of the queue and claims 'I prosper unlike the tax collectors and prostitutes'. The latter turn away humiliated.
And yet is it not those who turn away humiliated, those who know the reality of the law and of hypocrisy, who are like trees planted by streams of water?