I thought I'd have another go at saying what I was trying to say last night. When we see a puppet show we suspend our belief that the puppets are simulacre. We can see they are puppets and yet we are disposed to see them as somehow real. It is interesting to consider the conditions under which we are willing to do this.
So, I think with today's Dr Who we would be less tolerant of a visible puppet than we were with the classical series. Even the famous Myrka "pantomime horse" in Warriors from the Deep (below) was somehow tolerable in a way even a subtle lapse would not be today.
Yesterday, I compared our relationship with puppets with the quantum mechanics idea of super-position. Here something can be both a particle and a wave at the same time, for example. We project onto the puppet our imaginary rendtition of the thing it represents and so see the (real) puppet and the (pretend) creature at the same time.
But of course, puppets are simply one clear example of what is a much more common experience. Indeed we project our interpretations all the time. The goal of any spiritual discipline is to see through our projections to the reality beneath. How do we know we're seeing the reality beneath? Well, that is of course what we have to learn.
This is where the atheists get it wrong of course. The goal of good religion is to see clearly. It is not about believing loads of things that are self-evidently not true but seeing the truth behind what is delusional but appears true.