Methodist Conference 2009, agreed that members of the British National Party (BNP) cannot be members of the Methodist Church.
The BNP started it with their advert depicting Jesus on the cross as racist, which angered many Christians. The syllogism Jesus was good, Jesus was racist and so racism is good, is somewhat flawed.
So, the Methodist Church has banned members of the BNP from being members of the Methodist Church. The reason we did it was because we are able to do it. We are able to do it because we have members. Most Christian traditions do not have members. At least, not like Methodists have members. We are the only Christian tradition with card carrying members! This annual card contains an inspirational verse from the Bible, chosen by the year’s President and is signed by a local minister and class leader.
The card itself is not terribly useful although I once used it as evidence of identity to draw my benefit (a long time ago before they invented passports and driving licenses). However, as I have pointed out to ecumenical friends, should I meet St Peter I’ll have my class ticket to show him, what will they have?
The privileges of membership are easy to summarise. We are expected to make a financial commitment in order to ensure assessments are paid so that our ministers and their families do not starve, and we are supposed to sit on committees. Consequently, members are part of one of the biggest common ownership movements in the country and participants in a highly democratic organisation that means, through Conference, any member can (once there through due process) make decisions about the church’s mission, beliefs and administration.
Loads of people worship in Methodist Churches who are not members of the Methodist Church. Methodists welcome anyone who wishes to worship with them. The BNP are welcome to worship, drink tea and presumably be saved alongside Methodists but no longer as Methodists. They no longer have a stake in church finances and committees. It makes sense because it excludes them from wielding power in the church. I’m not sure how central to their plans control of the Methodist Church was but now they are thwarted.