OK, so I'm saying religion does not make you happy and engages you with the world . It is spiritual but spirituality engaged. So, what does this mean, what does religion do for you? I have to say I don't know because the word religion is too general.
I suppose it's possible that all religions do the same for you. I think this is unlikely but I'm not going to explore that road. I can tell you about the religion I do know. If we are to understand what Christianity does for us we need to understand sin. This post is about what sin is not.
You may find some of this surprising.
First, sin has got nothing to do with the ten commandments. Lots of reasons. Most people tend to focus on the later ones and ignore the ones about loving God and graven images. This makes it easy. I haven't murdered anyone or coveted my neighbour's wife and so I am not a sinner. Actually I'm not into graven images and I go to church most weeks and so I must love God. That just about wraps sin up for me.
I'm afraid not. So, am I saying the ten commandments are necessary but not sufficient? No, I am not. I am saying obeying these commandments or any others is not the point. For a start, biblical Hebrew has no word for obey (unlike Biblical Greek or Aramaic). They are actually signs of friendship between God and humanity. God is saying to Israel, behave like this and consequently things will go well for you. But even this is not good enough.
Sin is not simple disobedience, it is a perception of the world that is unrealistic. It is a disengaged perception which places me at the centre and expects everything else to revolve around me. Consequently my behaviour will always be to some degree inappropriate.
Second, sin has nothing to do with sex. Let me be clear here. Sex tends to get tied up with the false perceptions we all have about our place in the world. But it is these false perceptions which are the problem.
This problem goes back to Augustine of Hippo (illustrated). Prior to him, there were suspicions about sex but they were largely socio-economic, the wealthy and powerful use wealth and power to sexually exploit the weak. This was frowned upon because in Christ the early church was understood to be a church of equals.
Augustine introduced the idea of original sin. Let's be clear this is the idea that the next generation is infected by sin (as it were) through the sex act. Jesus was without sin because there was no sex involved in his birth. Neat!
It is hard to imagine any doctrine which has and continues to cause more problems. I don't particularly want to let Augustine off the hook but the reason his views made sense for hundreds of years was the doctrine of the fall. There was an original state of grace (presumably based upon Platonic ideals) from which humanity fell.
This is why evolution is such a problem for some Christians. Evolution means there was no original state of grace and so no fall. I've never understood why this is a problem. The vision of perfection could as easily be a future state. It is not a goal of evolution but a gift from God. We know we can be better.
The problem for theologians is we know we can be better than we are but don't know how to get there. Evolution cannot get us there any more than laws or commandments, so what do we do?