Over Lent, I will be preparing a sequence of 47 posts, between Ash Wednesday and Easter Sunday. The theme will be writers who have influenced me. They will include writers about
- spirituality, eg Anthony de Mello, Christopher Jamieson
- theology, eg Karen Armstrong, Walter Wink
- radicalism, eg Gerrard Winstanley, Saul Alinski
- science, eg Stuart Kauffman
as well as writers of
- hymns, eg Ebenezer Elliott, Sydney Carter
- novels, eg James Joyce, Terry Pratchett
I will keep these posts short. There will be three paragraphs plus one image:
- a quote from a work by the day's writer
- an account of how the writer has influenced me
- a reflection which might be used for prayer
- an image or video related to the written material.
Usually I will highlight a phrase which relates to the image or video. Sometimes the image will be an aid to prayer or understanding and sometimes it might be a more tangential comment.
Please comment on any post that appeals to you, perhaps sharing your experience of the same writer. If one of my posts reminds you of a writer who has influenced you, please share the details and perhaps a short extract.