I encounter this in my university students. Every term one or more of them says to me after class, "This is all very interesting, but I have a problem every time you use the word 'God', because, you see" - here there's usually a pause and a deep breath - "I really don't believe in God." I always respond in the same way: "Tell me about the God you don't believe in." Invariably, it is the God of supernatural theism. I then tell them that I don't believe in that God either. They are surprised, for they know that I believe in God. They're simply not aware that there is an option other than supernatural theism. (From: The Heart of Christianity , page 68)
If you want to know what the other option is, you will have to read the book! As a preacher I spend a lot of time correcting false images of God. Both Christians and atheists believe in the same unbelievable supernatural God. I include Borg in this series because he is a well-known radical theologian who does not make the common liberal mistake, where having rubbished the supernatural God, we are left suspended with half a faith and no way of moving anywhere else.
We need to ask ourselves who we are fooling. Why do we find it so difficult to pass the Christian faith on? Our educators, preachers, theologians and ministers conspire to set up barriers to God through their insistence in belief or doubt about a God who does not exist and is not believed in by people of faith.