So, you think the truth of the Bible matters? You read it and come to a claim science views as false. By your interpretation, the Bible says the world was created by God in 7 days. So, either the text is false or the world is false (fossils were put there by God as a joke). Why God couldn't equally place a false claim in the Bible as a joke remains unclear.
The problem is, God is made out to be a liar either in the text or in the world.
When this happens, either your understanding of the text, or God, or both is at fault. You're not interpreting the text in your context, you're imposing a reading from another context onto it. If you live in the twenty first century, science is part of your context. Of course, there will be tensions between science and scripture, it would be a miracle if there weren't. Our task is to find interpretations that transcend these tensions. God does not play false in the texts or the world, so if we see a contradiction, we need to search for the right interpretation and be patient until we find it.