I heard this story on BBC Radio 4 last week. In August 1944, General De Gaulle returned to Paris from his exile in Britain. As he entered Notre Dame de Paris, snipers, concealed in the walls, opened fire. Apparently, the passages in the walls are extensive and so no-one was caught. The likelihood is the snipers were Germans, intending to terminate de Gaulle's triumphant return.
De Gaulle walked down the aisle, through the hail of bullets and bits of masonry, and stood facing the altar. He was unharmed.
I wonder what was going through his mind. He must have understood that if he was unharmed, his reputation would be enhanced and so he took the chance. This was an instant decision and one I can only admire.
It's still Easter and it seems likely Jesus did something similar. He had chosen to follow God, with no plan or strategy, simply reacting in love to each situation he encountered. Knowing the right thing to do and sticking to it, with no guarantees about how it would turn out. I think this is probably what we call faith; courage on behalf of others.