Dark matter and dark energy make up 96% of the universe. So, is God in the dark matter or dark energy? Well, whatever the truth, it is not true to say there is nowhere in the universe for God to be found.
The problem is, of course, theologians will tell you God the creator is not in the universe; that would be to confuse the creator with the created.
Perhaps we can search outside the universe? String theory has 10 dimensions. Plenty of room for God there, outside the universe as we perceive it. I'm simply showing it is not illogical to believe in God, there is no evidence for God in any of these places.
For the atheist there is only matter, no spirit. For the theologian too often matter is inferior to spirit. This is the old gnostic heresy and is still prevalent amongst many Christians. Let's look at the theology.
God loves matter. God is the creator and holds matter in existence - this is part of our foundational belief. Furthermore, the Christian believes God became incarnate in human flesh.
This means, whilst the scientist might look for God in dark matter or other dimensions, the Christian seeks God in the stories of Jesus and his followers. God is not out there somewhere but close by, albeit hidden.
Maybe God is out there somewhere but essentially the God out there is unknowable. If we want to know God, we must look to the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. This is the only way we can know anything of the nature of God.
Why is God hidden? Because God is in the here and now. God inhabits the world of our senses but is found only by accident, by glimpses or revelations. No-one can produce proof or be categorical; God is revealed now and then, here and there. All stories are part of a greater story, all words part of a greater conversation.