Image via Wikipedia
I have finally succumbed and joined the Twitterati. This does not mean I understand it or have much idea about what I'm doing.
I know what a Tweet is but most of them are incomprehensible. I suspect you don't actually need to understand them. Most of them point you to somewhere else.
The reason I've joined is because I am planning a campaign to launch my 'official' blog, Methodist Ecumenical News (MEN). I went to see a colleague about the launch and he showed me Twitter and explained you don't have to access it on your mobile phone.
So, soon I will open a second Twitter account for MEN. My current account, which is linked to the sidebar on this blog and its partner blog 'Exploring Ecumenism', is a trial to work out how to use it.
It is difficult to find anyone on Twitter. For some ISPs, it's possible to get Twitter to search your emails for current members. I'm on AOL and it seems it was once possible to do this with an AOL account. Not any longer. Presumably they've fallen out.
I've tried searching for terms like 'Methodist Church' or 'Progressive Christian' or 'Ecumenism'. It seems no one Twitters under these names or if they do, they live in the USA.
Despite these setbacks I am determined to make it work. Just as soon as I work out how I'll know once I've made it work!